With extensive experience in the legal field, Professor Dr. Viorel Roș, a legal professional who first served as a judge and today practices as a lawyer, has held significant positions in the Romanian judiciary. He served as the President of the Bucharest Tribunal, Vice President of the Sector 5 Court, and President of the Sector 6 Court.
- founding partner of SCA Roș and Associates;
- Arbitrator at the International Commercial Arbitration Court affiliated with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania;
- industrial property advisor at the National Chamber of Industrial Property Advisors;
- insolvency practitioner within the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners.
- university professor at the Faculty of Law, “Nicolae Titulescu” University in Bucharest, holding courses in Intellectual Property Law, Financial and Fiscal Law (undergraduate program), Copyright Law, Industrial Property Law (Business Law master’s program), Research Ethics, Protection of Form Creations in Romanian Law, European Law, and Conventional Law, Protection of New and Utilitarian Creations, and Distinctive Signs of Professionals’ Activities (Doctoral Studies program).
- Doctoral supervisor in the field of Intellectual Property Law.
- founding member and President of the International Literary and Artistic Association ALAI – Romania Group;
- founding member and President of the Scientific Association for Intellectual Property Law (ASDPI);
- founding member of the Society of Romanian Authors and Editors of Scientific Works (Pergam);
- founder, member of the Scientific Council, and director of the Romanian Journal of Intellectual Property Law, a journal continuously published since 2004;
- member of the Scientific Council of the Romanian Arbitration Journal;